Our top product, Love Moon Sanitary napkins and pantilners contain 5800 negative ions/cm. Using multi-level marketing as its core customer base, we deem it beneficial to be the importer, exproter, wholesaler and merketer of exclusive product lines and varied range of state-of-the-art high quality products under its own brands. Soon, the Company will launch other high quality wellness products that have global features and adhere to international standards.

Did you know that...
..a woman will use an average of 15000 pieces of sanitary pads within 30-40 years in her entire lifetime?
Having a trusted brand of sanitary napkins has become paramount for every health-conscious modern woman. Not only must the sanitary napkin provide comfort and safety, it also must enhance every woman's health and lifestyle...
Love Moon Sanitary Pads does all this and more, making it an extremely unique and powerful product line in a huge Trillion Dollar Global Industry!.

Breakthrough Technology
"Negative ions have been proven to improve your health and well being... "
Love Moon Sanitary Napkins enhanc es your daily health with our proprietary "negative ions" tape embedded within every single napkin.
These tapes release up to 5800 negative ions per cubic cm which has been proven in numerous scientific studies to protect against genital diseases, eliminating harmful bacteria, odor, enhance comfort and improve your health.
Our sanitary napkins have also been awarded numerous international patents and prestigious awards.

Caring Design
"7 Unique Characteristics Every Woman Will Love About Love Moon..."
Enhanced Air Ventilation
Patented Anionic Padding
Highly Absorbent & Prevents Leakage
Stringent Compliance to International Safety Levels
Packaged in hygienic, air tight sealed packets
Our Hi-tech Production Facility ensures highest quality standards
Patented Self Test Kit Provided Free Of Charge
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